
Showing posts from September, 2017

My article: Dealing with fire on the PCT

Brendan Taylor is taking an journey on the PCT as she walk through kiavah wilderness walking until they overcome a peculiar black smoke cloud billowing up from a canyon south. As she walk she start to get a feeling that the ground is burning so as she continue the trail she starts to get cell phone range. Her phone starts to get constantly messages about a plane crash on the trail. Because of potential hazards fire highlighted.  The affects of PCT are: many hikers face the affects of the PCT. For example, hikers negate natural character, and fend for themselves or worse. The PCT affects more because of this tragic fire it surround the landscape it impacts the greater PCT community. After, the fire many thru-hikers or hikers in general have to redirect there routes. Because of potential hazards fire highlighted. 1st thing I learn from this article was there is always a way to a fulfill things. Even though people might say you can not finish or do this there is another way to do somethin