
Reader Profile

My strength in reading is understanding the main points in the story. By reviewing the authors review and purpose. By going over the authors strategies ,rhetorical devices,and the text. My weakness in reading is taking my time to read the passage and grasping what the author is saying in the text. My strength in prose is verse and the rhythm structure. My weakness is understanding the poem I do not understand prose at all. My strength in poetry is breaking down the poem to understanding the author meaning. Writing down notes and words I do not understand . Seeing the authors background on the topic of the poem. My weakness for poetry is reading to fast and not taking my time. The purpose that reading serve for me is by breaking down the passage to understand it better. It helps me clear my mind to have an open space. It put me in a calm space to settle down and to read we’re other people are coming from in there part of life . My passion are to have an open mind to explore as many

Reflection of the rockpile and a worn path

The reflection of rock pile was basically about Roy wanted to go play on the rock pile. His mother forbid him to go because its dangerous.  She doesn't want him to be like the other boys that one boy who has go injured.She couldn't bare seeing her son that way if it happen to him.  So Roy decided to disobey his mother and ask john not to tell anyone that he will be right back. While Roy was out playing by the rock pile he got caught in the middle of the fight. He has gotten injured and was bleeding. His mother was looking for him . She didn't know he was outside were the rock pile was until she heard screaming and see him outside bleeding. He was brought back to the house and was question and asking why did he go outside. Why wasn't john watching him. Until Roy father came home and seen Roy crying. He begin to question him and got mad at john for not watching him. He got mad at john and his wife. He blame the wife and john . He favors Roy because that is his son and  jo

The end of lesson before dying

On one morning Jefferson was being executed. So a black truck drove in town. People watch because they knew it was time and they watch it pull into the courthouse. Vixan and Grant talk about the execution saying she knows about it. Vixan said she will have her students kneeled beside the desks. For the next morning Sheriff Guidry want him to attend the execution. As he was ask to join many people from the time ask to join to watch grant. While Sheriff was asking grant to do favors for him. He begin to wonder if he cause Jefferson to lose his faith in god. He also wondered have he ask god for forgiveness before the execution occur.

A Letter to Grant

Dear Grant , Hi, my name is La'Kiya Moore . I have receive your letter that you have previously mail to me . I read your letter and understand that you are having problems with Jefferson. I have read that he was charge with murder, and has immediate death sentence for a crime he may or may not have committed.  Grant you also claim that he is twenty years old and not yet become a man. An the attorney compared him as a hog and a ignorance savage because of how he was acting.  You have said that you are having problems with him that he will not talk to anyone . My advice for you is to talk to Jefferson while he is in jail.  Get him to talk to you as many ways as you can. Push the issue more forward and influence him to become a man he needs to be before his death.   If you feel that he will not talk to you still. You will have the option to leave this situation alone. See if you can address this situation to Miss Emma.  If you possibly think we can. We all can talk together. If you

Metaphor poem

Writing is art of life It’s a reflection of you It’s like you looking in the mirror And reaching in your inner self Saying I’m beautiful just like other people I can make it I won’t fail I am beautiful Writing is an art of life It touches deep in your soul It’s an art A voice that want to be heard You get to embrace the deep thoughts

Review and Reflection of the sorrow of war

The reflection and the review of the book to me in my eyes was a reflection of Phuong and Kien their love was ever lasting forever . The reflection was about Kien going to war but after the wars he end up getting traumatized  by it and writing about his life experiences to get it off his mind.  The reflection of their love was a bond that no one could ever  break. No matter what happens between them kien forever love Phuong . As Kien stated "he tried desperately to forget Phuong, but she was unforgettable. he longed for her still. Nothing lasted forever " (71).  That statement was a reflection because he knew that he love her no matter what she put him through she would remain his lover forever in his heart.   For me reading this book the review of all was don't let your past review to your future. Because Kien has had previous flashbacks through out the book and it was caused by the war because of his traumatized experiences. Of all death of soldiers you wouldn't k

sunday quotation assignment

There will still be great sorrow, sorrow passed down to you. I leave you nothing but that sorrow . pg. 126-146. Does the quotation related to a theme ? suffering because, the quotation sound like its passing down sorrow just leave alone to the pain they have left . Does the quotation indicate a conflict? yes because person starts to feel sorrow from another person pain or themselves. I speak now because there may be no other night like this, no time like the present. Does the quotation relates to hope because in the war they don’t know whether they going to make it to the next day or night. Some think they are not going to make it and going to die or I have a chance to live I’m going to make it to see my family.